Sunday, June 7, 2009

Your Name

I breathe your name. It fills my lungs, where I hold it for a stolen moment, as long as I am able to. I taste your name every time I do not say it out loud, when it dissolves on the tip of my tongue, like candy floss, and I am left with nothing but its’ sweet taste.

I hear your name spoken in dreams. I hear it in the patter of the rain, in the whisper of the wind, in the crashing of the waves against the rocks late at night when the stars shine bright and there is a circle glowing around the moon. I hear it in the lyrics of songs. I hear it .. articulated .. when I listen to my heart.

I_scratch_your_name (400 x 633)

I see your name when I write it in the sand. When I read your text messages over and over. When I dwell on the paragraphs you wrote to me in the past. When I make coffee, just the way you like it, and the steam writes your name in the air. When I think of the Bible and recognize you as the one He has put on my path: His son .. my sun.

I feel your name, every single morning, when it becomes the hands that pull me out of bed into a brand new day. I feel it in every single thing I do, for you are my reason for being alive. Whether I do the dishes or write a poem, my hands are holding onto the handles of your name. My legs are depending on your name, for it has become the crutches that enables every next step. My wings, for you are really the wind beneath.

I smell your name, when I spell it by laying the petals before His feet, whispering my wishes to the Almighty Ear. When I kneel before Him and my knees crush those leaves, releasing the sweet scent I have come to know everytime your name filters through the cracks of my prayers, dedicating the spaces between my words to you.

Your name: my music, my oxygen, my wings, my path, my compass ..

My love ..

My reason ..

My life ..

1 comment:

  1. Een naam... wat jou tot stilstand ruk in 'n skare.
    Wat jy met 'n stok in die seesand skryf, net vir 'n brander om te kom haal.
